Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Mental illness

 A view from the inside.

I’ve spent my entire life on the roller coaster of bipolar Illness. I know what messed-up brain chemistry can do. It offers sadness, depression, sleep disturbance, suicidal thoughts, alienation, isolation, low self-esteem, racing thoughts and more. Mental illnesses are not easy to diagnose or live with or cure.

America now.
America is experiencing an alarming increase in mental illness, especially among young people. Social stigma is still a hindrance to care, as it was many decades ago. There are not enough professionals to meet the current needs of the mentally ill. We must also recognize that all of us have contributed to the society out of which these problems have emerged.

Sometimes I think we fear the mentally ill more than we do mass shooters or terrorists. We must pay attention. We must educate ourselves. We must care. We must act as best we can.

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