Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 My predictions for 2050:

Underground bunkers will sell for more than estates and castles.

There will be mostly electric vehicles on the road, creating many square miles of junk yards full of old gas-powered cars.

Gene manipulation for designer children will be popular.

Most countries on earth will be ruled by authoritarian governments or dictatorships.

So much money will be concentrated in the hands of a few uber billionaires that it will be impossible for anyone to get out of the middle class.

All the world’s religions will consolidate just to survive.

Pornography will be included in the Academy Awards.

90% of Americans will be morbidly obese.

Marijuana breaks will replace coffee breaks at the office.

Most people will still be paying off their college debt.

Because of total ineffectiveness, Congress will call for the first Constitutional Convention since 1776.

Climate change will cause half the world’s population to be refugees.

Artists will save the world.

Marriage between races will have wiped out the whole notion of race.

The notions of marriage and  family will not even be recognizable any more.

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