Saturday, April 15, 2017

Is it fundamental?

How much time, effort, money and lost human life and potential go into fighting wars, fighting terrorism, fighting sectarian violence, security of all kinds, and building and selling armaments?
How much money and time goes into accumulating and protecting excess material wealth? Into lobbying, corruption and manipulation of the law to protect this wealth?
From the beginning of written history, it’s been the power of the few ignoring the needs of the many, the accumulation of personal power and wealth at the expense of the many.  Is this fundamental to human nature?
Universal equity will never be achieved, but right now we are just homo sapiens still figuring out how to be human beings. The goal of a comfortable and secure life for all would be a signal that we truly desire to be full human beings.

Changing this goal from pie-in-the-sky to an essential effort backed by money and will may seem far away, but at every turn the world is crying for it.

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