Thursday, January 5, 2017

Short story starters

Having trouble starting your short story? Try one of these.

The minute I gave my penis a mythological name, my life changed. Now my future would be what I had always dreamed it would be.

The gun recoiled and the dark figure fell to the pavement in agonizing pain. She pulled off his hood and screamed.

The CEO was sitting at his desk when a naked woman walked in and handed him the package. He opened it and quickly began to undress.

The cockroach, big even Southern standards and missing a leg, crawled across the floor and stopped near his foot. Should he squash the hell out of it or make it a pet?

High and drunk, he jumped into the van and just started driving, not knowing that one of the neighbor’s kids was asleep in the back.  Three states later he found himself in a cheap motel with a 5-year old.

Who gets pregnant on prom night? Dumb, unprepared, horny ex-cheerleaders, that’s who.

How did he ever become an ostrich farmer, he asked himself. His wife had asked that same question a year ago when she ran off with his accountant.

As a first born, you have to show up, stand up, cough up and buck up. Hell no he said, and began a life that was unfathomable to his family.

She knew she would not be able to use her body to her advantage forever. But for the time being, she was workin’ it.

The alligator bit his leg; the surgeon cut it off. The gator was just doing what gators do, but he was determined to take revenge.

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