Tuesday, October 13, 2015


We may embrace love, but it is inescapable that we are mired down by hate. Sometimes it seems that love is too hard or too fragile too ephemeral. Hate, though, seems capable of sustaining itself over generations and even centuries. Though love can be dishonest, hate by its nature means to be destructive. While genuine love fills us, genuine hate eats away at all that is meaningfully in us.

Why does it last? Why does love seem so ineffectual against it? When is the seed of hate planted? Is the world of love and peace just pie in the sky? Do haters think they are loving their God? Are they provoked into hate instead of nurtured into love? What is the reward of hate? If God is love, how can they go so against the essence of God?

With every killing, every war, every terrorist bombing, every form of human abuse to other humans, I ask these questions. I get no answers.

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