Saturday, October 17, 2015

But what about the brain?

In this current world there's lots to worry about: terrorism, plagues, global warming. violence, cyber attacks and more. But what about the brain.

Since the dawn of man, humans have experimented with substances that initiate new realities in the brain. But now we have the capacity to track brain activity, to map the brain, to experiment with drugs to mediate unhealthy functioning in the brain and to understand the brain own chemistry. We are trying to construct artificial brains.

This, to me, will be the century of the brain, and it began in the last half of the 20th century. I wish there was a way to image the brain so that we could see if is muscular or flabby, out doing things or sitting on the couch, eating a healthy diet or shoveling in the potato chips.

We exercise our bodies, try to look good, eat the right things. But what do we do to our brains? Do they get fed properly? Are they fed an all rap diet or do they know the great classical masters? Do they let themselves be marketed to by lick images or do they challenge themselves with art of quality?

The future will be what it will be. But it worries me. So many self-medicate in crazy ways. What happens when we can manipulate brain chemistry to our whim? What happens when we can choose our reality? What happens when others can choose our reality?

What happens if all our thoughts, theories, religious concepts, big ideas wind up being just brain chemistry?

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