Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Holy Church of Art: Sermonette #7

Brothers and sisters in art, in a vision I saw the Holy Church of Art sitting radiant and glorious on the high mountain. I saw multitudes gather at the base of the mountain and turn away in laziness and fear. I saw many begin the climb, but turn back because they had not prepared themselves. Some trudged wearily on, looking back to where their true calling lay.

A few stopped to be interviewed and praised for efforts so far. They lingered, and they lost their way. Those who kept their focus on the light, even faltering, continued to the summit and the temple.

But this was not the end of the vision. As these successful pilgrims sat basking in the radiance, some got up, began to descend the treacherous slopes and reach a hand to the struggling travelers.

“The journey is worthy, and you can arrive,” they said.


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