Friday, July 19, 2024


 I wanted to watch Trump’s acceptance speech, and I did until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I did hear a string of pompous and self-referential thank you’s. I heard rambling bluster full of false statements. The “unity” part was scant. It was clear that the audience didn’t expect or want a coherent, intelligent, thoughtful speech with clear policies and solutions that might go down for the ages instead of forgotten the next day.

The GOP has gone from Abraham Lincoln to Donald Trump.
From a party committed to anti-slavery to the Republican Party of today.
From “of the people, by the people and for the people” to of the party, by the party and for the party.
From healthy dissent to forced conformity.
From uplifting speech to rambling incoherence.
From passionate calls for healing to flabby calls for unity.

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