Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Guns and children

 Guns are the number one killer of children in the USA.

America leads all wealthy nations in mass shootings and incarcerations.
A 6-year-old can get a gun and shoot a teacher.
Students begin their armed shooter drills in elementary school.
Is this what we want for our children?

I’m sick of the callous responses of Republican lawmakers to shooting after shooting. I’m sick of the way Republicans shift the blame onto others. I’m sick of lame Second Amendment arguments that completely ignore the militia clause.

The Second Amendment was written when America had no standing army or national guard. It was only white men that would be called to serve in a militia, and they had to be prepared to fight. Now militia has a very different and dark meaning. How can it be that the deaths, the heartbreak, the shame, the lives destroyed can’t move the Republicans’ stubborn stance?

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