Sunday, October 17, 2021


 By any measure, Donald Trump was a failed president and is a failed human being. He can only see the world around him in relation to his own ambitions and his own need to fill his vast emptiness as a person. And yet Republicans in Congress sit sheepishly at his feet. Chuck Grassley, currently the longest serving senator, kisses up to him at a recent rally. The holy trinity of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are worshipped by their party. Voters choose to blind themselves with the “big lie” and the “Make American Great Again” mantra, hoping these delusions will bring them the white, homogeneous America that never existed.

But how can educated Republican legislators think this way? First, because big money is more important to their re-election than voter concerns. Second, because voters don’t bother to educate themselves. They don’t demand truth, integrity and competence from their representatives. They don’t stay vigilant. A diet of empty campaign promises, negative ads and slick promotions is enough.

If every voter took the time they spend watching a football game or a couple of movies to research candidates, write letters or volunteer for a campaign, this would be a different country. As long as Donald Trump is believable to Republican legislators and to any American voter, we have to be vigilant.

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