Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 This is just one man’s perspective, but it seems to me than any circumstance in which abortion is considered has to come with a nest of important questions about the health of the mother, the reliability and concern of the father, the moral compasses of mother and father, the psychological impact on both, the future of the child if taken to term, the nature of any support system and who knows what else I have forgotten.

There seems to be wiggle room in the law for tax dodgers, crooked CEOs, upper class white drug users and young white rapists. But abortion law, written mostly by white men, simply say, “Sorry, you can’t do this,” then puts roadblocks in the way, making any decisions that much harder.

I wish I were enough of a King Solomon to have an answer. But I don’t. The current system of laws doesn’t make sense to me for the mother, the father, the child or the society that often must deal with the consequences.

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