Friday, October 16, 2020


 I’m in favor of as much art being put into the world as possible and of as many people as want to expressing themselves through their art. Social media and its range of public access have made it much easier for individuals to make themselves visible to wide audiences—think TikTok and Instagram, for example.

These expressions can be fun and entertaining. They can allow people to say, “This is me,” and “This is what I can do.” But they can also swamp excellence in a sea of mediocrity and make mediocrity seem like excellence.

I admit that this can seem elitist, but I don’t think it is. I believe human beings have improved their lives and deepened their understanding of themselves as a result of their search for excellence. (Excellence steers the boat, mediocrity rows the boat.)

Excellence is not mere talent. Excellence is not arrogance. Excellence is the consequence of hard work, focus, inspired vision, courage and unrelenting drive. The pursuit of excellence is a gift to all of us.

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