Saturday, October 11, 2014


A couple of my students are doing a project on attitudes on death. This prompted me to think about this topic.

Birth is both the entrance into life and death. As we go about the tasks of living we are constantly dying, cell by cell. At the smallest level it’s a cycle, a battle, an inevitability.
It’s life partner in that dance that happens at every level of this universe in constant flux.

As living forms, we humans are constantly becoming, but never getting there. In each increment of time, we are different persons in both small and large ways. Each moment becomes a transition. Then death, that last great and mysterious transition.

What comes after death? No one knows, and no one will ever know. Perhaps the first time we became humans was when we asked ourselves that question, and answered with sacred acts of burial. It is only natural that each of us ponders the afterlife and congers a comforting solution or finds faith in the solutions of others.

Then the test is how one lives out a life framed by this personal choice.

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