Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Holy Church of Art: Sermonette #1

My brothers and sisters in art,

The Great Goddess of Art selects her artists at the moment of conception and decides a future passion for each. Some get nature, some get geometry, some get voluminous flesh, some get death, some get the wrongs of the world, some get the color orange. In this way the whole world is meted out to art to be caressed, scrutinized, glorified, re-imagined and dissected.

But such great gifts come with great responsibilities. The Goddess demands that we strive and suffer in her name. Brothers and sisters, we must not get stuck on weathered barns and geraniums. We  must resist the temptations of gazebos floating in a pastel mist. The Goddess does not desire that we crucify our work on the walls of motels and fast food restaurants or even mansions.

It must be genuine so the truth may set it free. It must be generous so it does not beg shamelessly for attention.

So, my brothers and sisters, let art come among. Let its presence be known to you. Destroy the false idols above your couch. Only in this way can you be saved.


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