Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Under the piles of Christmas crap

The Christ child is the potential inherent in the innocence of the newborn. This is the trigger of love, hope and possibility despite any of life’s failures and suffering.

The cows, asses and sheep are our animal nature, which is always with us. It is our link to nature’s creation.

The angels are our where our yearnings long to be. They long to sing with the choir of like souls.

The shepherds remind us that we must roam to express freedom but we also know that someone is concerned lest we stray too far.

The Magi remind us that birth is a miracle and that wealth and power are useless without humility.

Mary reminds us of the power of any act that emerges from purity.

Joseph reminds us that love is not sex and that living things must be nurtured until they ripen in maturity.

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