Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Human Love

Human love is:
Two random bits of DNA trying to make it work
Passion slowly cooling down
Fate twisted in knots
An unstable mess on a rock solid foundation
A hurricane that won’t blow over
Everything the minister warned you about--and more
Something you hold onto till your last breath
As mysterious as multiple universes
A strange condition that can last a day or a lifetime
Not always about making love
Making making love into love
Damned hard work
As unexpected and sticky as a spider’s web
What we live for and die for
What most songs are written about
What Disney films distort for profit
Something even Jesus didn’t fully figure out
A rainstorm that creates floods for some and puddles for others
What it took St. Paul a lot of adjectives to describe
What can smack, frighten, dislodge, tickle, explode, contort and blossom
The most important measure of a meaningful life
Able to transcend class, gender, race and even species
A dream we try to live in
A costume party
Your own personal concoction of giving, taking and self-delusion
All the things that happen in most of our beds
Getting poisoned by an arrow dipped in Cupid’s own potion
A fishing line cast into the stream and baited with hope
A bitch of an enigma
What it’s all about.

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