Thursday, June 20, 2013


In my career as an artist and teacher of art, I've see a lot of images. In recent years it's become very clear to me that the objectivity (at least as much as can be reasonably mustered) I have as a teacher doesn't have to be an element of my personal preferences.

So here's some of the things in art that I find tedious:

1. Art that is just as superficial and undemanding as the popular culture it comes from.

2. The visual pun that is clever, but no more than that.

3. Art that has to hide out in the nice, white, well-lighted cube.

4. Videos which take something vibrant in the real world and turn it into pure monotony in the gallery.

5. Art works that beg you to love them.

6. Art works for which works are crutches, not wings.

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