Tuesday, June 25, 2024



The first dance we danced
Our bodies were at the mercy
Of the saxophone player.
The second dance, spinning
The third, pressed tight.

We walked back to the table
Holding hands,
Our silence seemed forever,
Not knowing that we were each
Trying to think the other’s thoughts.

The next dance,
Near a year later,
We held one another
In uneasy intimacy.
It was their wedding DJ
Not ours,
And a hackneyed song.

I remembered looking deep into your eyes.
I saw a chance at us.
I tracked you down, invited you
To an intentional dance
We did, and finished the night
Dancing in bed.Dancing

The first dance we danced
Our bodies were at the mercy
Of the saxophone player.
The second dance, spinning
The third, pressed tight.

We walked back to the table
Holding hands,
Our silence seemed forever,
Not knowing that we were each
Trying to think the other’s thoughts.

The next dance,
Near a year later,
We held one another
In uneasy intimacy.
It was their wedding DJ
Not ours,
And a hackneyed song.

I remembered looking deep into your eyes.
I saw a chance at us.
I tracked you down, invited you
To an intentional dance
We did, and finished the night
Dancing in bed.

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